Wednesday, August 26, 2009

2.5cm already!!

I went to my weekly Dr.'s appointment on Monday and I am already dialated to 2.5cm. I started to have really bad itching last Saturday night and there is nothing they can do for it, it will go away once the baby is born. If she doesn't come before my Dr is going to induce me at the end of next week. I am VERY excited about this. I can't wait to get this child out of me and to meet her. I'll keep you all informed when I know more :-)

Thursday, August 20, 2009

3 weeks left!

Wow, so we have 3 weeks left until our due date. I am off work now which is great but its not like I can get any good sleep. I am truly large and in charge now and am ready for this baby to make her appearence at any point. We had 2 wonderful baby showers and got lots of amazing gifts, this is going to be one spoiled child. I am in the process of setting up the nursery and organizing everything. The other day I spent 7 hours doing the laundry and then putting it away. I hate doing my own laundry so spending that amount of time on someone elses was a bit rough. All of her little clothes are so cute and I can't wait to dress her in them. Justin was expecting me to have the baby on my birthday and we made it past that. He is now telling me what are good times for her to come, I'm trying to tell him I have no control. He keeps asking if my hips hurt because someone told him thats a sign its getting close. I think we both are a bit nervous but also very excited.
Until next time....