Monday, June 28, 2010

No Helmet!!!!

Justin and I took Jordyn into Children's Hospital Oakland Neurosurgery to be evaluated and see if she needs a helmet. We sat through a presentation with 4 other families and then were met with on a one on one basis. We first met with the Nurse Practitioner and we told her all about Jordyn's medical history. She looked her over and her opinion was that she was a mild case and doesn't need a helmet. She also wanted to see what the Physician's Assistant thought. They both reviewed her MRI and CT scan and both agreed that is isn't necessary. I told her my fears of Jordyn being made fun of when she is older and they said by the time she is at that age you won't be able to tell. It may never be absolutely perfect but that nobody's head is perfect. They said that her head will round out since she is spending less time on her back and they really felt it wouldn't be a problem. They deal with this daily and so I am quite happy with the result. On our way out we got to see the images from the MRI and I snapped a picture on my phone so that I could share it.
We are now looking forward to spending the weekend in Tahoe with Justin's family. We will take lots of pictures and share them when we return.
I just want to thank everyone for all of your love and support over the past months. It really means a lot to us.
Lots of Love
The Houser's

Friday, June 18, 2010

Neuro Update

I took Jordyn into a follow-up appointment with Dr. Birnbaum at Children's Hopsital and it went well. Since her episodes are about 3 weeks apart and pretty regular we have decided to try a headache medicine and see if it works. We now have a reference point to gauge if the medicine is working or not. It may not work but I am going to be positive and hope that it does. Like the Dr said, it would even be great if we could make the episodes further apart. At this point I would try anything (within reason) to stop this from happening from her. This medicine doesn't have any major side effects aside from possible weight gain and drowsyness. He looked her over and said that her social and fine motor skills are right on track for her age. Her motor skills are a little behind so her gave us the number for the Regional Center of the East Bay. They provide early intervention to children under the age of 3 and get them any therapy that can help them get on track developmentally. I have placed a call to them and they are going to call me back for more information and to set up an appointment. It is so wonderful that there are places like this to help parents out. I have been in contact with other parents that have children with BPT and that has been very helpful. On one hand it is nice to know that there are other people out there that are dealing with this but unfortunalty on the other hand it is sad to know that there are other kids having to go through this. This disorder is pretty rare so there isn't a whole lot of information or study done on it. Anyway.... We are going to try this medicine and hopefully it will work so keep your fingers crossed for us. I'll let you know how it goes. We will go back to the Dr is 3 months so that he can follow her.
Thanks for all of your support, we really appreciate it.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

First Time Swimming

We took Jordyn swimming for the first time and she loved it. I wasn't sure if she was going to like it because the water wasn't too warm but from the moment she got in she had a blast. We put her in the cutest swim-suite and sun hat and lathered her up with sunblock and took her in. She really liked her little floaty and was all over the pool with us. Here are some shots from her time in the pool.
Loving her floaty with Grandma and Aunty Kay
Getting used to the water with Aunty Kay

Splashing around with mommy

Relaxing by the pool catching some rays

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another BPT Episode

We had a packed weekend planned with a graduation party, family friend's BBQ and then a Baptism on Sunday. After a great time at Katherinne's graduation party we headed home to grab some things before going to the BBQ. As we pulled into our complex Jordyn started crying in her car seat, right away we knew that cry. I rushed her into the house and her episode had already started. She was really sick with this one and it lasted about 6.5 hours. It tears me apart to see my baby crying in pain and knowing there is nothing I can do to help her but comfort her. We gave her a bath to relax her and clean her up and after she came out she snapped out of it. I get this overwhelming feeling of relief that comes over me when she comes back to normal. Today she has been a bit cranky but that is to be expected after everything she goes through. We woke up today and she went to the grocery store with her dad and then came home for a nap and some relaxation. We went to her good friend Hunter's Baptism this afternoon and had a great time. She threw her little ball down in the church and I had to run around trying to find it. After that we enjoyed the party at Billy and Katherines house. Now she is resting in her bed and Justin is at softball so I am relaxing and updating this blog. She wore the cutest dress and so her are some pictures that I took.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

9 months old

Jordyn just turned 9 months old and it seems like time is passing by so fast. We took her in for her 9 month check up with the Dr and she did great. She now weighs 17lbs and 1oz and is 27 and 1/4 inches long. The Dr said if he was to guess how tall he was going to be he would say that she is going to be 5 feet 4 inches tall when she is grown up. She isn't crawling yet but I have talked to other people who have kids with BPT (Benign Paroxsmal Torticollis) and they are a little behind in doing some of the developmental things. I am cherishing the time that I can put her down and come back to her in the same spot, I know it won't be long before she is all over the place. Every day she seems to be doing something new and I love it. On Memorial Day we took her to Capitola with some friends and took her out onto the beach. Here are some shots from our fun day out.