Monday, July 26, 2010

She's crawling

So I have been home enjoying my time with Jordyn and working on getting her to crawl. For a month or so she has been getting up onto all fours but thats as far as she will go. Sometimes she would stick her butt up in the air with her legs straight and then she sits back down. This morning something all of a sudden clicked and she was on her way. After our lunch picnic we got home and there was nothing stopping her. She is all over the place, slowely but surely. This is one of the best days ever for me as a mom, I am so proud of her. After all of the things we have gone through with her I wasn't sure how long it was going to take her to progress. This big step made me realize that it may take her a little longer than other kids but eventually she gets it. We had to lower her crib to the bottom in case she decides that she wants to pull herself up on it. While we were doing it she crawled over to her draws and was pulling them open. I looked at Justin and told him how much trouble we are in now. Our next step it to baby proof this house which could take some time...... Wish us luck :-)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day at the Oakland Zoo

I found out that I have some of my paid family leave left and decided to take some a week off in July and one in August to spend it with little goose. On Thursday Katherine and I took Hunter and Jordyn to the Oakland Zoo. We spent the day wondering around and looking at the animals, we went to the petting zoo, had a picnic on the big field, and took a ride on the train around the zoo. We had an absolute blast spending time with the kids and watching them interact. Since Jordyn is at my mom's she doesn't spend lots of time with other kids apart from when they go to story time. I am so grateful of her being with my mom because she is such a heathly kid and never seems to get sick (knock on wood). Jordyn loves Hunter and they have so much fun playing with each other and it is good for them. We took them into the petting zoo and little goose was just laughing soooo hard that people around her were laughing too, she loved the goats making noises at her. Hunter wasn't as excited at Jordyn and cried when they went near him. I am so excited because Katherine was able to switch her days around and she will now have Friday off so we can get together on a regular basis. It is not just good for the kids but it is good for us too. We can now start planning different activities for us to do with the kids. Here are some pictures from our lovely day out at the zoo.
Her first train ride

with Hunter and Katherine

At the petting zoo

Picnic time

Play time with Hunter

Mommy and me

Waiting to see the animals

Monday, July 19, 2010

Planning the birthday party

I can't believe that little goose is going to be turning 1 soon. I have just started planning her birthday party which is going to be quite the event. We really wanted her theme to be Sid the Science Kid but I couldn't find anything online. Her next favorite thing is Yo Gabba Gabba and I found tons of stuff for it. I made her invitations myself and after spending 3 hours on them they are finally done. I also ordered all the decorations online and they should be here soon. We are going to have it at Grandpa Kit's house where people can go in the pool if they want. I am really looking forward to seeing how it turns out.
I found out I have some of my Paid Family Leave left and so I am going to take some time off to spend with her before she turns 1. I have planned a day at the zoo with Katherine and Hunter which is going to be a blast. I'm really looking forward to spending some bonding time with her. My grandad is still her and so we will also get to spend some time with him. I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and post them soon.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I spoke too soon!

So last night I finished writing my blog and caught up on a little T.V. I finally dropped off to sleep around 10 pm and at 1am I was awoken by little goose screaming. I shot out of bed faster that the speed of sound and found her all seased up in her crib. My stomach sank a little as I picked her up knowing what was ahead of us for the rest of the night. We moved her into our bed and tried to make her as comfortable as we could. She got pretty sick which is normal but is still hard to deal with. She finally came out of it at 6:30 this morning and was pretty crabby which was understandable. I took her to my mom's and she had a relaxing day. My mom called me after lunch and goose had been sick but was going off to sleep. After her nap she woke up in a much better mood. When I bought her home we had a little play time and dinner before her bath. She went off to sleep while having her bottle and I put her in her crib where she woke up and cried. This happened twice and she finally went off to sleep in her daddy's arms. It is so ironic that I blogged last night about how good things were going and then it happens. I have to look at the positive side of things and note that she went from every 3 weeks to going 5 & 1/2 without having one. I love her soooo much and it is the hardest thing to see her having to deal with this. Justin is such a good dad and I can see in his eyes that it is hard for him to see her go through this too. I'm hoping that we have another 5 & 1/2 weeks (or longer) with out another episode. I'll keep you posted on how things go.
I'm off to bed to catch up on the sleep I missed out on last night.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Finally... a tooth

Last night I was doing my normal check of little goose's mouth and I felt something. I checked again to make sure I really felt something and there it was bearly poking through her gums. I was worried that I was going to have a toothless child forever. It's funny because when she was less than 2 months old we saw this little white spot and automatically thought it was a tooth. We were told by her doctor it was some sort of mouth cyst that babies get. Since then she has always drooled a lot and chewed on her hands and everyone tells us she is teething... not a chance. To my surprise yesterday there it was and I was so happy. I know it seems strange that I am happy that my child is teething but its just another exciting thing that is happening. As of right now we are 5 and 1/2 weeks since her last BPT episode and that's also exciting for me. Over the last few weeks I have been able to relax a little more and find myself not so on edge waiting for it to happen. If/when it happens again I will deal with it like we have in the past and that's all I can do. Like the Dr said "if it takes them from every 3 weeks to once every few months then its working". I would be happy with that, I would be even more happier if it never happened again. She still isn't crawling but likes standing up and holding onto my hands. I feel like she is making great progress just at a slower pace than some other kids. I figure that when she is standing with her friends when she is 20 you won't be able to tell who was crawling and walking early and who wasn't. Now I have to start planning her 1st birthday party! I can't believe my little goose is almost turning 1, time really does fly.
Until next time..........

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July

Justin and I packed up Jordyn and pretty much the whole house and went to Tahoe to celebrate the 4th of July. We went with Justin's family (his dad Kit, and Aunt Tina and Uncle Jeff and their family) and stayed in a wonderful cabin. We took the boat up so we could take her out on the water for the first time. She didn't like the life jacket very much but did well for her first time out. She was spoiled for attention by everyone. It was great for her to spend some quailty time with Grandpa Kit, he loves her so much. Here are some pictures from the weekend.
Jordyn and Tina hanging on the deck

Jordyn enjoying some Mexican food

Hanging with Grandpa on the couch

With mommy on the boat in her life jacket

Sitting patiently waiting to go out on the water.

As far as her BPT episodes we have been very lucky and are now over 4 weeks without having one. I hate to even get excited just in case I jinx something and it happens again. She hasn't had any side effects from the medicine so we are going to keep giving it to her and hope that it keeps working. Please keep your fingers crossed for us and I will let you know what happens.
Stay tuned............