Wednesday, April 29, 2009

An Update

We went in for our anatomy scan yesterday at the perinatal clinic and the baby is doing great. They said that everything looks fine and they didn't see anything wrong with her. It was quite amazing that we could see so much detail. We took my dad with us and I think he really enjoyed it and got to ask some questions. The Dr came in to have a look after the tech got done and he noticed that I have marginal placenta previa. It means that my placenta is at the edge of my cervix. He said that it can fix itself and other times it doesn't. If it doesn't it can cause bleeding and I would have to have a c-section to deliver her. They want to keep an eye on me so I have to go back for a check up. I am going to see my regualar Dr. tomorrow so I will get more information and some questions answered. I was very nervous going into the scan and am very happy that the baby is doing great and even though this other issue has come up I'm going to try not to stress about it. I am having lots of back pain which seems to be getting worse as time progresses. Sometimes its not so bad and other times I walk bent over because it is so painful. The joys of being pregnant :-) I just can't wait to meet her.
We have ordered her crib, dresser, and stroller last weekend. The crib was bought by my parents, dresser by Cindy and Arlan, and stroller by Kit so we are very greatful for all these wonderful gifts. The furniture will be here in 4-6 weeks which gives us time to paint the room. The stroller is on back order until July which works out perfect.
She is jumping around more and more everyday. Its funny because everytime I feel her it's like a surprise and brings a smile to my face. It can get a little hard to concentrate with her jumping around. I can't wait for Justin to feel her.
I'll keep you all updated on my progress.
Until next time......

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Jumping bean in my tummy

I have been able to feel the baby for a week and a half and it's amazing. It is the wierdest little feeling when she moves. I can feel her the most when I am laying down or sitting quietly. People compare it to having butterflies but I don't think it feels like that. For me it really feels like a jumping bean is in there flip flopping around. At first I wasn't sure if I was feeling gas but as time went by I knew it was her because it got a little stronger and stronger. Yesterday she didn't move around too much and this morning I couldn't feel her so I called the Dr. They had me come in so they could check on her and she is fine. She had her spine facing outwards so she was kicking my insides and I couldn't feel it. As she grows I am just going to feel her more and more which will be exciting. I can't wait for Justin to get to feel her move but I think it might freak him out a little bit. He now stares at my growing belly in amazement, I think its making everything more real. We are off to have an anatomy scan next Tuesday where they check out all the vital organs and make sure everything is ok. I have to admit I am a bit nervous about it due to the previous events. I am just going to stay positive and look forward to checking out her fingers and toes and everything else. We are going to look at furniture this weekend which will be really fun. Then we can get going on her nursery and preparing for her arrival.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Baby Bedding

We picked out pink Winnie the Pooh bedding for the nursery yesterday. We decided on the theme a few weeks ago but couldn't find any bedding I really liked. I found it online yesterday and decided to order it so that once we get it we can pick out paint colors. For now we just bought the bedding and I'm sure all the little things will come in time. There is just so much to think about and waiting till last minute isn't an option because I'm sure I will be massive!! We haven't picked out any furniture yet but that will be next on our list. The room is all empty now and the closet is starting to fill up with clothes and other little things. I can't wait for everything to get put together. We are going in for an anatomy ultrasound on April 28th which I am excited to see. They will check her vital organs to make sure everything looks ok. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that nothing else comes up. I am anxious to feel her move which should be happening soon, that will be amazing for me. Here is the bedding that we picked out.