Friday, November 27, 2009


We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday at Jeff and Tina's house out in Discover Bay. We enjoyed a lovely turkey with all the fixings. Justin and I have so much to be thankful for this year with our beautiful little girl. She is growing like a little weed and seems bigger every day. Here are some pictures from yesterdays dinner.

Jordyn and her cousin Jessica
Jordyn with Granny Goose

Jordyn with her Aunt Tina

Our first family thanksgiving

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Smiley Girl

Yesterday Jordyn went to her Nanny and Grandad's house while I went shopping for some work clothes. My mom took this amazing shot of her while she was there. She looks like she is just having the best time and my dad is making her laugh. Today she got to skype with both of her great grandma's in England. It was great for them to see her and how much she is growing. She is starting to make so many noises and kick around all the time. She is a very happy girl most of the time but she lets us know when she is hungry or needs a diaper change. On Tuesday we took her to the eye Dr and he said that she hasn't lost any vision in her eyes and that he wants to see her again in 3 months. He said that she intermitenly(?) goes cross eyed but that since newborns don't have a bridge of their nose it can also give the appearence of being cross eyed too. Hopefully it is just something she will grow out of.
I am getting ready to go to Florida for work on Monday and I will be there until Thursday. I am going to miss her soooo much its crazy. Its going to be so tough to leave her but she will be in great hands while I'm gone. Her dad with lots of help from her grandma's will be taking care of her. I'm looking forward to going back to work but its also a sad that this special time is over for me. I'm hoping to work it out that I can have Friday's off so I can spend time with her but we will see what happens once I get back.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween and 2 Month Appointment

We dressed Jordyn up as a pumpkin for Halloween and she looked absolutly adorable. She didn't like the costume at all but it made us laugh. We took her to her grandparents houses and everyone said she looked so cute. She stayed with Nanny Rose and Grandad and went to the door along with Ellie when the kids came for the candy.

We took Jordyn in for her 2 month check up on Monday, I was so nervous because she was going to be getting her shots. We talked to the Dr and he has referred us to a Pediactric Opthamologist for her lazy eye. Apparenty it is really important to it fixed while she is little so that she doesn't loose vision in that eye. I have made an appointment for her for next Tuesday so I will keep you updated. The Dr also wants us to go and see a dermatologist for the spots she has on her head and big toe. They are broken blood vessels that can grow and he has never seen one that is partially under the nail. We have an appointment for that Dr on December 4th. She screamed when she got the shots and Justin said it looked like I was getting the shots because I was so upset. Apart from those two things everything seems to be going well. I can't believe that she is 2 months old already.