Saturday, April 24, 2010

Time Flies......

I can't believe that little goose is going to be 8 months soon. We had our follow up with the neurologist and her MRI, CT scan, and blood work all came back clear which was great news for us. The Dr. thinks that Jordyn has a condition called Benign Paroxsmal Torticollis which is the equivilent of a baby having a migraine. It is something that she should outgrow by the time she is 5. We are going to continue to to moniter her and see what happens.

She has just started to figure out how to move her little Jeep walker. She loves it even though she is moving really slow. She has also taken a liking to Peanut our cat and when she sees her she trying to move her car towards her. She has also started to put her face down and pull her knees up underneath her. We are thinking that it is a sign she might be trying to crawl. I can't imagine her moving around the house on her own, we are going to be in trouble. Everytime we get out the camera she breaks out her biggest smile, she is such a ham.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My World Traveler

So we took little goose to England to meet my side of the family. We took her on the 10.5 hour flight and she did absolutely fantastic, even the flight attendents fell in love with her. Jordyn loved my Nan and Grandad and it was so nice to see her bond with these special people in my life. We got to spend lots of time with the family and she also got to meet some of my friends that I grew up with. I was so nervous traveling with a baby but everyone who sat near us on the plane said how great she was. The weather wasn't that great while we were there but we still got to do some fun things. It was just great for us to spend time with the family and relax. The only sad thing was that my Nanny Fluff passed away 2 weeks before we arrived. I am bummed that Jordyn didn't get to meet her and know what an amazing woman she was. I am glad that we got to go at a great time to spend some quality time with my grandad. Jordyn has this amazing ability of cheering people up with her amazing smile. She flashed it at my grandad and it did wonders for him. We took so many pictures but here are a few of my favorites.