Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Feb 2011

I finally have some time to sit down and update the blog. Goose is growing so quickly and is becoming an adorable little girl. She has such a personality and lots of sas which I think she gets from me. She is now running around and getting into everything. Every dad she does something that makes me smile. We recently took her to Toys R Us and she got some new toys. She loves this little shopping cart and walks around the house putting things in it. She is also into dolls and purses which makes me so proud. She has a little purse that she puts on her shoulder and it cracks me up. We take her to Gymboree 4-5 times a week and it has really brought her out of her shell. She has lots of little friends and loves getting involved in all the activities they do. Here are some recent pictures of our lovely little girl.