Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 Months Aready!

The past 3 months has flown by, I can't believe how much our life has changed since she has arrived. I am back to work now and Jordyn is now going to my mom's during the day. She absolutely loves her grandma and enjoyes her time there so much. As soon as I arrive in the morning Jordyn looks at her and smiles so big. She pretty much stays up all day and comes home worn out from all the fun she has had during the day. I feel so lucky to have my mom watching her while I am at work. Now that I have my own daughter I have a new found respect for my mom and all that she has done and continues to do for me. Growing up you tend to take your parents for granted but now I realize how much they have done for me and appreciate it more than ever.
She now has her first tooth coming in and she has taken to chewing on her fist. My mom snapped this picture of her chowing down today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gemma
    Jordyn is beautiful, and now she has her first teeth coming through, it must be awful for them, thank goodness we have our fists to chew on, it dosent seem five minutes ago that you and james were at that stage! where have all the years gone? love sue x
