Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I keep meaning to post some recent pictures and have just been really busy. We are going through some medical stuff with Jordyn but are hoping that everything turns out OK. I'll post more when I know whats going on. We took her in for her 4 month appointment and she is now 13lbs 10oz and 24.5inches long. She is holding her head up pretty well and she laughs the cutest laugh ever. I love spending time with her and she has truly brightened my life. She loves to snuggle with me and it is a great ending to a long day. She loves her daddy so much and gives him the biggest smile when she sees him. We are so blessed to have such a wonderful baby.
Daddy did her hair after her bath.
Daddy and grandad put her new toy together wrong.
Where's Jordyn?
Loving her Grandad

1 comment:

  1. I love her in her jammies with wet hair, I swear that is the best time ever!!
