Tuesday, March 24, 2009

IT'S A ..........

Wow what a ride the past few weeks have been. I had abnormal results come back from my first trimester screening that said the baby had a 1 in 81 chance of having down syndrome. For someone my age that risk should have been 1 in 883. As you can imagine I was totally freaked and stressed out. I went in for a CVS test on Friday the 13th. The test involves taking tissue from the baby's placenta and sending it off for genetic testing. Justin was so good the whole time we were waiting telling me everything is going to be OK and not to worry. After waiting 11 days which felt like a lifetime I finally got the call. The baby is absolutly fine and its a GIRL!!!!! The weird thing is that I had a dream last night and in it we had a little boy. I haven't had any baby dreams so far so it was strange that this one took place last night. I am sooooo over the moon to be having a little girl. I would have been happy with either as long as it is healthy, but I can now admit that I secretly was hoping for a girl. Justin's response was "we will have to try again for a boy". After the ride I have been on so far I just want to have a healthy baby. I honestly feel like I can breath again and be excited and happy about this pregnancy. Now the fun stuff like shopping comes next :-) I'll keep you updated on the name we pick out.


  1. I am so happy for you guys, I know all to well what a ride pregnancy is but I'm so happy everything is turning out great for you guys! I can't wait for our little ones to play together. Congratulations!!

  2. Sooooooooo excited
