Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Finally... a tooth

Last night I was doing my normal check of little goose's mouth and I felt something. I checked again to make sure I really felt something and there it was bearly poking through her gums. I was worried that I was going to have a toothless child forever. It's funny because when she was less than 2 months old we saw this little white spot and automatically thought it was a tooth. We were told by her doctor it was some sort of mouth cyst that babies get. Since then she has always drooled a lot and chewed on her hands and everyone tells us she is teething... not a chance. To my surprise yesterday there it was and I was so happy. I know it seems strange that I am happy that my child is teething but its just another exciting thing that is happening. As of right now we are 5 and 1/2 weeks since her last BPT episode and that's also exciting for me. Over the last few weeks I have been able to relax a little more and find myself not so on edge waiting for it to happen. If/when it happens again I will deal with it like we have in the past and that's all I can do. Like the Dr said "if it takes them from every 3 weeks to once every few months then its working". I would be happy with that, I would be even more happier if it never happened again. She still isn't crawling but likes standing up and holding onto my hands. I feel like she is making great progress just at a slower pace than some other kids. I figure that when she is standing with her friends when she is 20 you won't be able to tell who was crawling and walking early and who wasn't. Now I have to start planning her 1st birthday party! I can't believe my little goose is almost turning 1, time really does fly.
Until next time..........

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