Thursday, July 15, 2010

I spoke too soon!

So last night I finished writing my blog and caught up on a little T.V. I finally dropped off to sleep around 10 pm and at 1am I was awoken by little goose screaming. I shot out of bed faster that the speed of sound and found her all seased up in her crib. My stomach sank a little as I picked her up knowing what was ahead of us for the rest of the night. We moved her into our bed and tried to make her as comfortable as we could. She got pretty sick which is normal but is still hard to deal with. She finally came out of it at 6:30 this morning and was pretty crabby which was understandable. I took her to my mom's and she had a relaxing day. My mom called me after lunch and goose had been sick but was going off to sleep. After her nap she woke up in a much better mood. When I bought her home we had a little play time and dinner before her bath. She went off to sleep while having her bottle and I put her in her crib where she woke up and cried. This happened twice and she finally went off to sleep in her daddy's arms. It is so ironic that I blogged last night about how good things were going and then it happens. I have to look at the positive side of things and note that she went from every 3 weeks to going 5 & 1/2 without having one. I love her soooo much and it is the hardest thing to see her having to deal with this. Justin is such a good dad and I can see in his eyes that it is hard for him to see her go through this too. I'm hoping that we have another 5 & 1/2 weeks (or longer) with out another episode. I'll keep you posted on how things go.
I'm off to bed to catch up on the sleep I missed out on last night.

1 comment:

  1. Gemma you are such an amazing mother! I cried as I read this blog entry. Going through our pregnancys, births and then the first year as mothers together has been so special to me and to see you guys have a difficult time is extremly tough. I love you guys and am so often amazed by your strength as parents. Little Goose is so lucky to have you guys! xoxo
